Friday 28 March 2008

The choice

I have already made my choice. It is now up to the site admins to see whether I implement it or not.

I have written a "final chapter" for The Western Sky, explaining why the story is being suspended on Fanfic.Net, and, come Saturday/Sunday - if there is no response from the site admins, I will post it, and that will be that. I will download the stories I don't have copies of, and then remove them from the site completely. Mostly because I am not having people read them without scene breaks, because it is just wrong.

I will lose the comments, but I can't see a way round it. I am not fixing 49 chapters, especially if I wil have to do all this again in a months time when they cotton on to the "xoxox" thing.

Noon on Saturday is the deadline I will assign in my head. That will give them over 48 hours to respond to the e-mail I sent.

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