Tuesday 30 March 2010

Plots and 48 Hours

So - I am coming to the conclusion that I actually need to plan out a plot for "Silver Linings". What is "Silver Linings" you ask? Well - I will tell you.

It's a story I started a few days back, with just an idea in my head of the first chapter or so. It's set at the start of Harry's fifth year, except Harry and Hermione are dead (escaping Ministry custody after being pulled up on charges of under-age magic use) and Luna Lovegood (who was starting a relationship with Hermione at the time) has left Hogwarts, and she and her father have moved out of The UK.

After the hearing, Dumbledore and Fudge start spreading stories about them turning dark, trying to turn the population against them. But a few of Harry's friends remain loyal, even when Umbridge arrives and starts hurting people who speak out.

Meanwhile, three new students (Twin brother and sister, and a third girl) transfer from Salem Institute to Beauxbatons School, and make new friends in the French school.

The thing is, I have an idea of what could happen, but right now, I am entirely lost about what the actual plot is, which makes writing a little harder than you might think. So I think the next two days will be working out the story line ("narrative plotting" stage) before I try to write any more of the actual story.

However this is going to be interrupted by two things. First - my beloved coming to stay (during which I never write, because - lets face it - who would?) and second, ScriptFrenzy 2010 starts in 47 hours and 18 minutes, and I will be putting all my energy in to The Princess' Husband (which is now going to be all magical, instead of non-magical as I originally planned).

So Silver Linings might not get properly written until May. Which seems forever away, but isn't really.

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