Monday 2 March 2009

A New Dawn - surprisingly done.

Yay! Part One of the "A New Dawn" Trilogy is finished. It needs proofing and posting, but it's complete.

And aside from ONE HUGE GINOURMUS MASSIVE plot change (that took me completely by surprise when I wrote it), it pretty much went the way I wanted. Which is always good.

The OHGMPC has necessitated replotting the next two stories, but only a little. But, looking back over the rest of the story, it does seem kind of obvious that it would end up the way it did.

Clearly I can't explain this now - not without spoiling the story - but no doubt I will come the end of the trilogy.

Anyway - it's done, and should be posted by the end of the week. (Assuming I don't get ludicrously busy at work or home, which seems improbable!)

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