Sunday 30 November 2008

NaNoWriMo 2008 - And lo, I is a winner!

That's right. At 10:31pm on the 29th of November, I finished "Now and Then", a story about a girl keeping a promise.

The story is 81,556 words long, and totals twenty chapters of fun and frolics (and, admittedly torture, genocide and murder, which is less fun and frolicsome. Unless you're a Dark Lord).

Hopefully it will be published soon, but since I have been writing (more or less) non-stop for 29 days, I haven't done much beta-reading on it. There are spelling and grammar mistakes (I have already spotted a "you're" instead of a "your", for example), and I really have to re-check the continuity of the characters (making sure that someone who died in Chapter 4 isn't alive and well and kicking some ass in Chapter 15) and time-lines.

But hopefully I can publish it within two weeks (there is work stuff going on that is quite important for once, so that might delay me a bit), but almost certainly by Christmas.

Anyway - three wins out of three. Which entirely and totally rocks!

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