Sunday 2 November 2008

NaNo : After Day 1 (4,261)

So - depending on your perspective, I either wrote around 4,261 words or approx 8,800 words.

Why? Well - the site I was using to write the story has a very annoying and unusual feature. If you are merrily typing away, then click in the "Load File" box by accident, it freezes the text you have. And if you save it, it ignores it.

So, at various points yesterday, I ended up typing the entire chapter in again.

First I had to type the last half in, and then - because I am a moron - I pasted that over the original and so lost the first half. But the site had retained it in its buffer, so I had to retype it out, add it on to the start of the part I had already and then save it again.

But all in all, I think that I did very well to get anything posted, let alone nearly 5,000 words.

It is going more or less like I want at the moment - but to be honest, since I have no plot arc and no plans at all, it will pretty much ALWAYS go like I want. The only major change is Minnie's departure from Prison.

(Oh - I have also finally accepted I have a set idea for the future of HP. Hermione will be called Minnie. She will be friends with Luna, and possibly some Slytherins. Bones is Minister, Tonks is the D-DMLE and Dumbledore is still around. Some of this varies sometimes, but generally I like writing Min, Luna and so on, so my stories all run like that).

Anyway - time to go shopping for food, and then back to the Saltmines. And I might even consider writing in Notepad and pasting it across, simply so I don't have to do any pokery-jiggery today.

(Note : If you haven't figured it out, I am going to write the entire story, then post it. This is not because I plan on going back and changing bits, or rewriting whole swathes of the story, but becaus I am not checking spelling or anything else while I write, and I do have some standards, if not very many!)

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