Saturday 20 September 2008

Quite a lot of progress. Kind of.

So - I have reached one of the pivotal chapters of The Darkest Dawn - that explains how the whole thing came about. I am about half way through it, and I think I know how it the rest will go (well - I know how the rest will go, but how it will fall out on paper, so to speak).

So far, there has been a lot of Harry Potter back story and almost now Buffy, but that is because up until Hogwarts Year 6, Buffy doesn't even know she is a Slayer, so very little would happen anyway.

But - now that we are coming to Dawn's creation (the key chapter) and the events of Buffy Year 5 (Hogwarts Year 7 + 1, if you will excuse the phrase), and things will balance out, with more Buffy than Harry, until the back-story is finished.

Plus I am dropping more and more hints about the narrator, which is also fun!

All this has meant work on TWS has kind of stopped (and given that "Shadows Of The Past" is a major Buffy cross-over, it's probably a good thing), but hopefully, once TDD is done, I can get back to TWS again.

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