Tuesday 9 September 2008

Every blood time with the password!

I swear this thing changes my password at random. It seems every time I come to write a new post, it doesn't reconigse the password I give it, and have to get it reset.


Finally - after much postponing - I have finished 2x04 ("A New Beginning"). I admit I changed the title, and the end of the episode a little, and that it is around 1000 words longer than I would like, but the only bits I can really cut out are kind of important (and break up a very long scene with Harry, Sally, Hermione and Viktor - if I cut out the bits in between the total scene would be around 1800 words non stop, which is kinda bad).

So - after I re-read 2x01, it should be posted at HPFandom and ForeverFandom by the end of tomorrow (or Wednesday maybe - depending on what happens in the meantime. And given that it is almost exactly one week after the post that said I had finished Acts 1 and 2 and would have Act 3 done soon, you can see that lots of things happen sometimes!)

One of the major things to get in the way is "The Darkest Dawn" - a Harry Potter/Buffy cross over based on a challenge on ForeverFandom. I spent a fair part of the past week plotting it out, and now that that is done, I might actually start writing it. (And although it is nearly NaNoWriMo time, I am a) not entering and b) not using this story if I was, as I kind of like the idea of it, and want to do it justice). So - look for updates and possibly even chapters coming soon (I don't know yet if it is a post-as-I-go-along thing or a write-it-all-then-post-it thing or a mix of the two).

Anyway - 2x04 is done, and "The Darkest Dawn" is prepared for writing. So, all in all, a good night's work.

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