Tuesday 8 January 2008

A somewhat typical first post

So, my name is Angelholme, and I write fanfiction (and sometimes original fiction, but that is less common).

At the moment, I am heavily buried in the world of Harry Potter, because it is just such a fun place to write stories about. However I also have a somewhat vague plan to continue a story I stared a while back - the eighth series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, set in a town called Covenston. I abandoned it a while back because I was having characterisation troubles, but recently, and after writing a lot for HP, I think I might be able to pull it off.

I write mainly at three sites - fanfiction.net (under the name Angelholme), hpfandom.net (under the name SammyWrae) and my own site (http://angelholme.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/), although this needs updating pretty badly.

I tend to write three types of stories.

The first is "arc" stories, or sagas. They generally have one or two major plot arcs, and a number of minor ones. Examples of these are "The Silent Trio" series and "The Western Sky".

The second is single arc stories. They have either one or two parts (generally one), and are based around a single idea. Examples of these are "Project Darkling", "Nineteen Years Later" and "Return To Grace".

The third is parodies/comedies. These I mostly write when the mood strikes me, or when I have an idea that just won't go away. Examples of these are "Lost in Middle Earth", "The Smartest Witch" and "Harry Potter and The Deathly Silence".

There are also one-shots, but these generally come from the first or second type of stories, and I just run out of ideas as to how to write them the way I want them.

Mostly I am going to use this for news about story updates - what chapters are up, what stories are close to completion, and ideas for new stories.

Currently, Nineteen Years Later is up to chapter 4 (and is no where near finished), and I am writing Episode 1x04 of The Western Sky (the first series has fourteen episodes, so it is about a third of the way through).

And honestly, that is about all I have to say for now. I could tell you all about me, but since I am not one for publishing personal information on the web, that seems unlikely. I could tell you all about my fanfic history, and I might do that in the future. I could tell you all about my sweetheart, but again - personal information and so forth.

I will update this as often as is necessary, or as often as I feel like. So, until then, have a nice day.

"Nothing crushes us"

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