Tuesday 19 January 2010

Western Sky Updates!

I finally fixed the problem with Episode 2x05 of The Western Sky ("Shadows Of The Past") and have posted it, along with 2x06 ("The Games We Play, Part 1") on the HP Fandom Site (see the right of this page to find the link, since I can't remember it off the top of my head).

It has yet to be updated on ForeverFandom because that site is currently down, and I don't know when it will be back up.

In addition, I have written four more episodes (2x07 - 2x10), and they are currently being proof read, before they are posted, and work continues on the last four episodes of the series (including a three part finale!)

My plan is to stay four chapters ahead, so I will be posting 2x07 within the next week, and then posting a new chapter each time I finish one of the final four (which hopefully should be in the next month or so, work and other things pending).

I apologise for the long delay in finishing this story, but Episode 5 really was doing my nut in, so I moved on to other stories to try to get some inspiration. And apparently, the plan worked.

Anyway - Western Sky updated. Yay!

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