Saturday 26 September 2009

Sidious is FINISHED!!

That's right - The main story line of "Harry Potter and The Dark Lord Sidious" is now complete. I finished the epilogue around twenty minutes ago, then edited it and finished it again about five minutes ago (it's better than it was - the ending lacked something originally!)

There are seven more "story arc" chapters to post (including the epilogue), and then three chapters after that - Snape's Letter, a complete list of members of The Conspiracy and how they were punished, and a complete disclaimer/notes chapter (mostly answering questions from reviews, and one or two other things that came up).

The three additional chapters will be posted at the same time as the last two, while the other five chapters (16, 17, 18, 19 and 20) will be posted once every two or three days over the coming fortnight, since they still need to be properly proof-read.

But it is done, and I am actually very happy with how it has turned out. The Battle Hymn scene went exactly as I wanted, and the two final chapters also turned out as I pictured them in my head. Which is nice.

I think after this there will be a short break (probably involving Blue Dragon) and then I am going to try to get back to "Enemies", since I should finish off "A New Dawn" before going on to anything else.

(On a related note, I have figured out how to restart 19 years Later, so hopefully that will follow "A New Dawn"'s completion).

But for now, I am just happy that my first proper time travel story is finished. Because the last two chapters were a complete bitch to get right.

Monday 21 September 2009

More Sidious News

The next chapter of Sidious has been posted, but only to ForeverFandom, as HPFandom is still down (le sigh!).

In addition, I am pretty sure I am about to start the final chapter (of the main story arc), after which there'll be two epilogues (it will make sense when you read them) and a notes chapter (mostly answering questions asked in reviews).

I am pretty happy with the way it has gone, but I think the last chapter will prove the hardest to write - something else I am looking forward to!

Saturday 19 September 2009

HP Fandom Down (Ish)

So apparently HPFandom dot net is currently not accepting new stories, due to transferring to a new hosting plan (I'm guessing either a new ISP or the like?)

So new updates to Sidious are going to be unavoidably delayed until further notice. However, if you do want to keep reading it, I am going to continue updating ForeverFandon dot net, and then - once HPFandom comes back up I will post all the missing chapters to there to bring the stories back in to Sync.

(On an unrelated note, I am currently six chapters ahead, and I think I am two or three chapters way from the end of the story, with an epilogue, a second epilogue and probably a "Note&Queries" chapter after that).

So, pending holidays and work related crap, "Harry Potter And The Dark Lord Sidious" should be done by the end of October. Isn't that nice?

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Double Sidious!

After spending most of last night playing Blue Dragon, I felt a little guilty about my lack of progress with Sidious.

So today you get two chapters for the price of one! (Well - for the price of none technically. Charging for fanfiction is baaaaad!)

The other reason is that the most recent chapter ("Letters To America", the title of which will be explained at some point) ended up being about twice as long as I originally thought, I have had to break it up in to two parts.

Which means that I ended up four chapters ahead, and thought I should possibly post at least one of them. (I also plan to post both parts of "Letters To America" at the same time, since it is one chapter!).

Hopefully regular service will be returned in due course, and I will get back to posting one chapter every three to five days.

Unless something stupid happens. But what are the odds of that?

Monday 7 September 2009

Sidious and blue dragons

I got a tad distracted playing Blue Dragon over the past two days, so there might be a day or so delay in the next chapter of Sidious.

But I am about half-way through year 3, so it's going pretty well ;)
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