Tuesday 8 September 2009

Double Sidious!

After spending most of last night playing Blue Dragon, I felt a little guilty about my lack of progress with Sidious.

So today you get two chapters for the price of one! (Well - for the price of none technically. Charging for fanfiction is baaaaad!)

The other reason is that the most recent chapter ("Letters To America", the title of which will be explained at some point) ended up being about twice as long as I originally thought, I have had to break it up in to two parts.

Which means that I ended up four chapters ahead, and thought I should possibly post at least one of them. (I also plan to post both parts of "Letters To America" at the same time, since it is one chapter!).

Hopefully regular service will be returned in due course, and I will get back to posting one chapter every three to five days.

Unless something stupid happens. But what are the odds of that?

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