Thursday 24 July 2008

The Western Sky, Series 2 - coming soon....

So - after six weeks of plotting, drafting and writing some parts of it already, I think The Western Sky Series 2 is more or less ready for debut.

It will be a fourteen episode series, picking up a week or so after Series 1 left off.

Although the arc for the series is planned out, and the plots for each episode is sketched, I have only actually fully plotted out the first episode (2x01 - When Tomorrow Comes, Part 2) because - well there are two reasons.

The first is that until I write an episode, I am not sure how it will go. So I could introduce something in to WTC II that would change the next episode ("Silent Night"). So generally I sketch out plots, then (if I feel it necessary) flesh them out before I write them. Other times, I just have the sketch, and I write it based on that.

The second is because I just can't be arsed at the moment :)

Anyway - My plan is to write three episodes ahead of my publishing, so I will write 2x01, 2x02 and 2x03, then publish 2x01 and write 2x04 and so on. The reason for this is retconning - if I need to change a previous episode, generally it happens within the next three episodes. (A major exception to this was "Twenty Five Years Later", which just caused chaos all over the place, but that has only happened once in the whole history of Silent Trio, and most of my other stories to be honest).

So - within the next month or so, TWS Series 2 should be up at HPFandom and ForeverFandom (although I need to post TWS 1 at ForFan, so it might be a bit longer there....)

That's it.

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